Dinner Series
The MBA Dinner Series is an intimate gathering of students, alumni, and corporate friends, where participants are able to interact, learn from each other, and build new connections. An article is read on a relevant business topic, and students bring their thoughts to the table to discuss and share knowledge among peers and dinner hosts. Topics range from sustainability and leadership to entrepreneurship and work/life balance. The series promotes the strength of our MBA students and alumni to outside organizations, opens new avenues for engagement, and provides an opportunity for executives to share their knowledge and expertise with you.
For students this series is intended to:
- provide an intimate setting to interact with alumni and corporate friends
- aid in the transfer of knowledge from alumni and corporate friends to MBA students
- create possible mentor relationships
For alumni this series is intended to:
- facilitate communication among alumni and MBA students
- strengthen the MBA alumni network base
- engage alumni in the affairs of the MBA program
Past dinner hosts and dinner topics have included:
- Ryann Lofchie, CEO, The Frontier Project (Mindfulness), Takeaways
- Shane Emmett, CEO, Health Warrior (Customer Experience), Takeaways
- Shawn Boyer, Founder and CEO, goHappy (The Importance of Culture), Takeaways
- Robert Reynolds, GB'98, Co-founder and Principal, Reynolds Development (Commercial Real Estate), Takeaways
- Bob Beckler, Senior Advisor, RKB Consulting LLC (Manufacturing), Takeaways
- Joe Dziedzic, Interim President & CEO, Integer Holdings Corporation (Global Economy), Takeaways
- Anne Goddard, President & CEO, ChildFund International (Nonprofit Management), Takeaways
- Jonathan Brabrand, Managing Director, The Fahrenheit Group (Mergers & Acquisitions)
- John Fernandez, CEO and Founder, TwinBlessings LLC and Karen Adams, CEO, Hot Technology Holdings (Entrepreneurial Leadership)
- David Gallagher, CEO, Dominion Payroll Services (Authenticity Paradox)
- David Christian, CEO, Dominion Generation (What is the Cost of Carbon?), Takeaways
- Susan Quinn, president, circle S studio (Authentic Leadership), Takeaways
- Katie Gilstrap, co-founder, Liftcaregiving (Networking), Takeaways
- Hiter Harris, managing director, Harris Williams (Mergers & Acquisitions), Takeaways
- Karen Adams, serial entrepreneur, (Entrepreneurial Start Up Lessons), Takeaways
- Devon Cury, president and CEO, Advancements Concepts (Promoting Innovation), Takeaways
- Nancy Bagranoff, dean, Robins School (Work and Life Integration), Takeaways
- Mark Fernandes, chief leadership officer, Luck Companies (Values Based Leadership), Takeaways
- Ken Krause, director-global product stewardship & sustainability, MWV (Organizational Environmental Sustainability), Takeaways
- John Adams, former CEO, The Martin Agency (Storytelling), Takeaways
- Brian Paliotti, CFO, NewMarket Corporation (The Importance of Focusing on the Long-Term), Takeaways
- Jordan Childs, founder/owner, Eastern Land Collective Design Studio and owner of Shine Craft Vessel Co. (Design Thinking), Takeaways