Stay Involved


Providing a robust and valuable experience for the Spider MBA network is not easy – or cheap. It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to fully fund MBA scholarships, Opening Residency and International Residency, and to provide professional development and networking events such as the MBA Mentor Program and holiday party.

Therefore, we hope that you will recognize the value of your Richmond MBA with a contribution that will allow us to continue to deliver high-quality programming.

Financial contributions can be made directly to the Robert S. Reynolds Graduate School of Business and/or The Richmond MBA Scholarship Fund online or by check.

Visit and designate the Graduate School of Business (The Richmond MBA) or send a check made out to University of Richmond* and mail to:

Advancement Operations
110 UR Drive, Bostwick House #3
University of Richmond, VA 23173

*Please enter “MBA Scholarship Fund” or “Reynolds Graduate School of Business” in the comments section (online) or memo line (check).